EVER WALK INTO A ROOM and sense that something is off? Or that some people just feel good to be around? Science can explain why.
We are electrical beings. Every time the heart beats, it produces electricity. Whenever electricity is produced a magnetic field is created. Of all our organs, the heart is the largest source of electromagnetic energy in the body. Its field can be measured with sensitive instruments up to three feet away, and it bathes every cell of the body.
Your heart sends powerful signals to all parts of your body, most importantly to the brain. How? Through the heart rhythm signal sent from the heart to the brain. The pattern of the heart’s rhythm—a key indicator of your inner state—is impacted by how you feel. When you are stressed, your heart broadcasts a chaotic signal to the rest of the body; when you are in balance it sends a synchronized, coherent signal.
HeartMath® is a system of self-management tools that are intended to help you use the power of your heart rhythm to shift from stress to balance, so you can feel and perform at your best. It can offer quick, scientifically validated techniques that can be used on the spot to help you take charge of how you feel. You can learn to use the HeartMath Inner Balance™ app designed to provide real-time feedback on your heart rhythm patterns, so you can make the shift to keep your “inner battery” charged. Feeling at ease and focused, you are much more likely to enjoy life and be more productive and resilient to whatever life brings your way.
For more information, see www.heartmath.com (for training information) and www.heartmath.org (for research).
HeartMath® is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all HeartMath Trademarks, go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks.
ENERGY Techniques
“Everything is energy.”
— Albert Einstein
IF EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, then so are thoughts and feelings. Energy Techniques are designed to work at the energetic level with the intention to help you clear emotional patterns, belief systems, and habits that no longer serve you. Energy Techniques can address the energetic imbalances that may underlie distressing emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
Energy Techniques can be a great complement to both energy healing and HeartMath® sessions by providing the opportunity for greater well-being, resilience, and peak performance. You can experience a variety of easy-to-learn Energy Techniques, including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as “tapping.” Continuing to use these quick and effective protocols at home can help you further address any emotional and mental issues of concern.
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